Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions are made to be broken

First and foremost HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! I had a pretty AWESOME New Years Eve, I hope everyone else had one too. :) Okay so the topic of this blog is New Years Resolutions. Now when you hear that term do you or do you not assume that who ever said it is just going to end up breaking that resolution eventually? You do right? Let's face it New Year Resolutions are made to be broken. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you can't change, because you definitely can! All i'm saying is, don't make promises you can't keep. It's a new year: 2012! Start the year off right, don't just say "I'm going to lose weight!", "I'm going to be a happier person" and all the same old cliche New Year Resolutions. This year, try having a goal. My goal, is to be a better friend, love more, stop getting angry over stupid things, and most importantly, grow closer to God than I was last year. I feel like I have been dropping the ball, for lack of a better term, in my relationships with people. Some relationships, I need to let go of. Too much unnecessary drama. This year, i'm going to find out who my real friends are, and hold onto them for dear life. And to all of those who are saying "I'm not changing for anyone!" all I have to say is this: I know for a fact that you made mistakes in 2011, and if you say you aren't going to change, that means you learned nothing from your mistakes, and will only be doomed to make them again. So let's stop making "New Year Resolutions", and let's actually try to start changing. Because if you aren't moving forward, you'll never get anything accomplished in life.

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